Monday, October 19, 2015

Thinking About Running Again

I ran two half marathons this year.  One is the Condura Skyway Marathon and the other is the NatGeo Earth Day Run.  Quite a personal achievement for me.  I have been dreaming also of running a full marathon, however, recently it seem that running has been taken out of my system.  I used to run almost 3 to 4 times a week whenever there is a scheduled running event.  But now, not even a single run for about three weeks.

This is the hard thing about running.  Once you stopped even for a week, it seem that you are starting all over again.

I keep on asking myself if running is really for me or not.  I'm not a bad runner.  I used to place in the upper third of all the 21K runners on the two half marathons I completed this year.  I just didn't have that follow through which kept me from improving myself further in the sport.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My First 10Km Run

I just had my very first 10Km run this morning.  Finally.

I had second thoughts of running this morning because of the weather.  I was about to run when I suddenly raindrops.  I got back home because I had my Iphone with me.  Next was, my heart rate monitor is not functioning.  May be because of the batteries.  I had success on my previous runs because I have my heart rate monitor with me.

When the weather suddenly improved, I decided to run without the digital heart rate monitor.  So I needed to depend on myself to feel if I can effectively run without it.  Well I can say that I can run faster without the gadget since I have nothing to depend on.

Most of the duration of the run, I was on my normal pace.  But when I felt that I can sprint for several seconds, I'll go for a 20 secs sprint to improve my average pace.

I have been running these past few weeks with my wife.  And to my surprise, after only I think 3 to 4 runs, she can already complete 5Kms.  Me, I think it took me months to complete my first 5K.  Way to go Lory... :-)

So when Lory completed her 5K run, it's my turn to complete my goal for today.  To have my very first 10K run.  It's good when you have running gadgets like the IPhone with a Nike+ GPS application.  You can track your improvement.  You can track your distance so you will know when to speed up if you want to beat a specific time record.

When I reached 8.5Km, it seems like the remaining 1.5K is endless, I wanted to give up but my perseverance prevailed.  I achieved my goal and I was surprised that I was able to do it in less than an hour at 59:48.  And if the office doesn't call up twice, it could have been better than 59:48.  Now that I've done with several 5K runs, and already completed my first 10K, then t would be nice to target 10K whenever I run in the morning.  I'm usually faster during morning run as compared to night runs. :-)

Then, I will begin to look for running events. :-)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Heart Rate Based Training

If you are concerned with your stamina when running and would like to enhance it further, I suggest that you use a gadget which monitors your heart rate during running.  It doesn't necessarily mean that you go for an expensive gadget like a watch with GPS and built in heart rate monitoring feature which costs roughly around Php 21,000.00 ~ $490.00.  For me, that's already a lot of money.  I would settle using that amount of money on investing rather than purchasing a watch of that amount. Just purchase the simple one.  The one which can give you the same result at a much cheaper price.  Be wise when spending your hard earned money.  (That's a saving & investing tip from me, free of charge... hahaha!!! )

Ok I'm not here to promote something but two months ago, I bought a watch with a Digital Heart Rate Monitor which only costs around Php 6,000.00 ~ $140.00.  See the difference in terms of cost? A whopping Php 15,000.00 ~ $350.00 difference.  Like the significantly expensive watch, it can also give you the same running data that you need.  Average heart rate, max/min HR, peak HR calories burned, running time, recovery heart rate and others.  I still have to explore on the other features. :-)

I would like to share photos of the actual unit.  Ok, I purchased a Timex watch.  Again, I don't intend to promote a product, I just shared it to those who are interested on what to use if they intend to enhance their stamina further.

Timex  Watch

Digital Heart Rate Monitor

With this gadget, its like that you have hired a personal trainer and it offers you the ability to track, store and analyze important key indicators of your personal fitness level.

Indicate your desired maximum heart rate and it will automatically designate the heart rate per zone.  The recommended maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.  Based from what I've read in the internet. 

The gadget features five (5) heart rate zones where you can set your current physical capability.  I use Zone 3 to improve my stamina and endurance.  Then I switch to Zone 4 every now and then to sustain optimum fitness condition.  Zone 5 is usually used during an actual race.  I still don't have this gadget when I joined my first 5Km race last July 2011 but have been using this as I run 2 to 3 times a week.  Before I used to run for 30 minutes only because I still have no idea how long I can run.  But thanks to this gadget, I can now run for more than 40 minutes.  I already crossed the 6Km barrier and I am now slowly targeting 10Km for my training.

For actual races, I would still settle for 5Km.  I still need to beat my personal record of 32 minutes for this category.  Nothing is impossible if we work and strive hard to achieve our goals.  Always think positively. :-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Running Gears / Gadgets

Basically, as others would say it, running is the cheapest sport that someone can indulge to.  I agree with that.  However, if someone really want to excel in this sport or make a career out of this sport, investing on gears and gadgets is necessary.

What are those gears?  Items categorized as gears are: (1) running shoes, (2) appropriate running shorts, (3) running shirts, with or without sleeves, (4) support gears such as patella strap, knee support, ankle support, thigh support and other supports to reduce risk of injuries to parts of the legs.  Item 4.0 is necessary if a runner has an injury or is prone to running injuries.

If you are to select the appropriate running shoes, it should fit depending on what type of foot imprint you have.  Wearing inappropriate shoes while running would result to injuries in the long run.  Believe me, I did it and I paid the price.  Dri-fit fabrics are recommended for running shorts and shirts.  Supports should be worn if someone is still on the recovery stage from injury to prevent aggravating the injured part and to prevent potential injuries.

Now, what are the gadgets? Items categorized as gadgets are:  (1) running watches with heart rate monitor, (2) distance recorders, such as iphone/ipod with nike+ ipod or the latest nike+ gps, and others.

With the use of the heart rate monitor, you can control your run, whether there is a need to speed up or to slow down.  There a several zones depending on someone's physical capability.  The nike+ applications are handy since you can get real time data on your current workout.  And the best of it is, you can sync your running data to the nikeplus website and you can share your activity to friends via the social networking sites such as Facebook & Twitter.

Once you've obtained the items listed above, in my own opinion, that's the only time we can say that running is the cheapest sport.  We need to invest first before we can really feel the long term benefits of such activity.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My First 5Km Run

A group pic after the Fun Run
After a long series of practices, a three month lay-off, a couple of runs after the lay-off, I decided to sign-up for the fun run organized by our company last July 9, 2011.  I felt nervous and at the same time excited.  Nervous because it's my first time to join a race.  Excited because I know I can finish an official 5K run.  Not just a run in my neighborhood or somewhere else.  I can check my official race time.

It was raining before the beginning of the race.  But the committee and the runners decided to push thru with it.  All are excited to run in the rain.  So let the race begin.

The race has four (4) categories: a 1Km race for the kids, 3K, 5K and the 10K.  There are two water stations which is already sufficient to support the long distance runner's water needs.

Everything went well.  All runners were able to finish the race safely.  All are in one piece :-).

There are 70 runners who registered for the 5K and I ended up no. 27 with a time of 31'52".  For me I think its good considering its my first official run. 

The experience made me more excited and eager to join running events outside of the company.  I bought gadgets to help me improve my run.

I registered for a running event at Alabang held last August 13, 2011.  Unfortunately, I was injured (tendinitis) 2 weeks before the event and I was forced to skip the race.  I took the medication advised by the doctor and I followed it by the book and here I am.  Back to running.  It seems I have to start from scratch due to the month long lay-off.  But I'm not in a rush.  There are still lots of running events.  More adversities to conquer.  More calories to burn.  More rubber to be worn-out.  More roads track.  More time to beat.  And most of all, a healthier individual.

Doctor's Advice

As advised by the doctor, if you felt pain after running, just use ice, ice, ice and nothing but ice.

Avoid stretching if there is pain as it could only aggravate pulled muscles and tendons which could result to more serious injuries.  Serious injuries would mean high cost of medication and it might keep you off the road permanently.

We should always follow the doctor's advise.  This is based on my personal experience.  I'm just sharing it with those who will be able to read this blog.  If I can do it, I don't see any other reasons why the others can't.  Happy Reading friends. :-)

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Own Share of Running Injuries

I started running last July 2010.  However, I started at the wrong foot.  I don't have the proper running gears.  I don't have the proper running form.  I don't have the stamina to begin with.  Lacks knowledge about running.  What else?.  I think I've said it all.

All the while, I thought running is just the plain meaning of the word, it's just run.

I realized that there's a lot of science behind it.  But it's already too late.  I already experienced spate of leg/knee injuries which somehow hampered my improvement.

With the use of a hiking shoes and the heel strike, voila!!!, I had my first knee injury(right knee).  It required me to rest for a month.  Took anti-arthritis supplement for two(2) weeks.  I observed that the supplement has no help at all.  So I resorted to seek Hilot (an ancient Filipino art of healing, commonly used to relax stressed muscles).  After that, I immediately felt the improvement  The pain disappeared and in a matter of one (1) week, I was able to run again.

After several runs, another injury came out, a pulled muscle just above my left ankle.  Again, it kept me off the road for three (3) weeks. After several massages, it disappeared slowly.

Then came ITBS on my right leg.  I rested it for three (3) weeks but was able to run with the help of a knee support.  Without it, I will head back home after several minutes disappointed not being able to run for longer minutes.

I just recovered from my recent injury.  It really kept me off the road for a month.  I had to take a leave from work a day after being injured because I can barely walk.  The Hilot proved ineffective to correct the problem so I have no choice but to consult the doctor.  With just a touch, the diagnosis was, Tendinitis Bursitis.  It left me speechless for seconds.  I asked the doctor; can i still run again?.  Fortunately, the doctor said YES. :-).  I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard that coming from the doctor's mouth.  The immediate medication however is, injection of micro steroids.  I was hesitant at first after hearing the word steroids. The doctor assured me that it has no side effects and completely safe.  So I agreed with it.  Though the procedure is a bit painful because the tip of the needle should touch a portion of the patella.

The doctor advised me to rest for two (2) weeks before I went back into running.

Now, I am back to running and enjoying the benefits of my Timex Ironman (with heart rate monitor), Nike+ GPS, and the lessons learned from previous experiences and mistakes.  With these, I am sure that there will be tremendous improvement.  Longer run time, longer mileage, proper techniques equals improved health and a healthy lifestyle.